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2021.7.7 今日最hot: 「神徒」豪擲巨型廣告賀「 教主」生日

眼見今日有關教主生日嘅新聞鋪天蓋地, 我哋都非常好奇 , 係過去24小時,究竟同教主最多co-mention嘅關鍵詞係乜嘢呢?

7.7.2021 Trending Topics generated by

見到Trending topics 第一名係「教主」同「廣告」有關,一開始仲誤以為係有代言品牌活動宣傳或者品牌官方出文賀壽之類。

我哋用社交媒體聆聽工具 睇到主力幫教主助攻嘅有思琪姐前一晚到尖沙咀巨型生日「廣告」牌前打卡嘅IG post, 有100毛及King Jer 娛樂台分享, 大量網民對教主有正面嘅留言。 再加上有Dream Cruise嘅賀壽預告,有網民留言表示「好癲!」, 令到「教主」同「廣告」一度有9成mentions 佔據網絡熱話第一位。

By the way, 講到明係Trending, 即係仲有上升趨勢嘅空間, 背後將reactions, engagement, sentiment, growth rate 等等指數運算出關鍵字嘅影響力。

The popularity of Mirror makes themself a hot topic without any doubts. Today, one of the Mirror’s members, Anson Lo, gained most of the netizens’ attention with the growth of online coverage and engagement.

Anson’s fans have lavishly spent money on advertisements on public transportation to celebrate and promote their idol. The related discussions are mostly created within the Facebook group 我老婆嫁左比Mirror導致婚姻破裂關注組.

Yesterday, Lee Sze Kee, the famous actress who shared a photo that captured the advertising board has led to intense discussion, and her post has been shared by the influencer such as 100毛 and King Jer 娛樂台. The comments below the posts were positive, netizens felt shocked that the actress has become a fan of Anson Lo.

Besides, Dream Cruises posted a teaser about a decorated Genting Dream scheduled to depart outside Heng Hua Village and Siu Sai Wan at around 8pm, which the engagement was high with around 10K by 6pm.

The above discussions have gone viral on the social media, hence, the frequency of the keywords “教主” and “廣告” are rocketed to 89.01% in the last 24 hours when compared to the same period in the previous day, contributing to the top ranking of trending topics today.

The list of Trending Topics is generated by, with a comprehensive calculation of the reactions, engagement, and growth rate that gives you an idea of what is going viral now and in the short future of time.

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